Автор: Freshnews Дата: Автор: scorpio Дата: Автор: Megazuza Дата:
Очередная тупая фигня. Это геронтофильские мечты бабушки! И чая из дерева Милано не надо, подташнивать начивает. В топку.
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Another day had concluded with busy work schedules and I had signed off after a beastly workout at the gym. The dusk had arrived and with the body completely in fatigue. I headed to bed early.. Mumbai these days has been very noisy due to constructions all day and night and as the darkness permeated gradually , I was off to a deep slumber assuming to get ready for another day. However there is always a saying we never know what is in store for us. As the dawn was knocking the doors of the day ,my mobile began to buzz.
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